Tag Archives: ESL

Story Teller Series, Passionator Natasha Molina

Sometimes the road observed in front of us, the one we think we know, actually turns out to be a completely different path leading to an unexpected destination. Unintentional occurrences tend to be the main influence on how we turn out as individuals, and those “experiences” serve as testing sites that make or break our preconceived notions of life itself. All so often, a relationship is formed with a particular outcome in mind, and then ends up flipping upside down and in turn, fosters a passion we never knew existed within ourselves. Personal exploration and a deep evaluation occurs. Natasha has experienced first hand, that those “aha” moments turn into life long passions. 

The first installment of the Story Tellers Series comes from an interview with Natasha Molina, a young nonprofit professional dedicated to the belief that everyone deserves the access to education. Natasha shares with us the beginning of her career in service.

I do not remember ever thinking that I was going to be a person of service.”

Even though the notion of helping community was around her on a daily basis, it didn’t quite catch on.As students at Loyola University of Chicago, we were taught the importance of giving back to the community. I kept hearing the motto everywhere but it didn’t really sink in while I was in school.”

After graduation from Loyola University, her job hunt began. It served to be a lot more difficult than anticipated.

“So I looked for a job like most recent graduates and hoped I could get something in technical writing.  I graduated in December of 2007 when the economy seemed to be imploding.  I would get interviews only to hear the company was starting a hiring freeze the next day.  I sent out at least 10 applications every day for months to no avail.  Only then did I think about going into service work.”

We never know where experiences will lead us but we know we belong in that exact moment once it arrives. Coming in contact with AmeriCorps volunteers on campus spiked an interest in Natasha, and she immediately threw herself at the opportunity  to serve and embrace “a passion she had never felt before.” At that moment, she caught the fever and finally digested and embodied that school motto.

 The once unclear phrase she heard during her collegiate years has become the very quote she abides by on a daily basis.


That was her aha moment. She became a Passionator. She found herself  teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to recently displaced refugees with Literacy*AmeriCorps in Pittsburg, PA.”The more I learned about the tragedies and situations my students endured, the more I felt called to start finding solutions.” Natasha knew she wanted to actively assist in solving the immediate needs of her clients.  Its one thing to know who you are and the specific characteristics you possess. It is another to utilize those skills into meaningful tools for change. She took that step and understood that she had specific assets to offer.

“I realized that I am a person that makes others feel comfortable.  Something about me makes them feel safe and I realized what a gift that was.  I knew then I needed to use my gifts to change as much of the world as I can manage. I really wanted to take the fire inside of me and blaze a path of social justice. “
Natasha has proven that the most rewarding sacrifice is using one’s inner talents to uplift other individuals. Through the art of communication and service, true magic occurs between humans. Because we lend ourselves out for service, we subconsciously encourage one another through genuine indirect empowerment. The end result of lending yourself is learning even more about who you are before the process ever occured.”I think for every time I helped a family, found them services, helped them communicate, and helped them find jobs, they taught me to believe that I have the power to make change” says Natasha. We are all animals of experience. Natasha’s involvements have led her here. Being an active change in her community and increasing hope within the lives of individuals on a daily basis.
 “My college instilled the knowledge and AmeriCorps awoke it in me, I will go forth and set the world on fire.”
Natasha Molina

Natasha Molina is currently the Education Coordinator at The Bridge of Pittsburgh.  She served two terms with Literacy*AmeriCorps before beginning her career.  She resides in Pittsburgh,PA with her son and oddly large collection of books.