Tag Archives: MPA

I’m In Grad School!

SO earlier in the year,  I was seeking advice on my statement of purpose for graduate school. Through studying for the GRE, and studying even more, and through getting the edited version of my statement of purpose RE-edited, I can officially say my first day of graduate school at Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies is here !!! I will be obtaining my MPA with a concentration in Nonprofit Management, and I am blessed to be operating in my passion. It was such a long road but I know everything happens for a reason. I have gained so much insight into the nonprofit sector by serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA at the Georgia Center for Nonprofits, and will definitely be able to take everything I learned and apply it to my studies. I am expecting the best and planning for even better. Having an optimistic spirit is key for going into a new environment and when a new experience is underway!! My heart belongs to the Eagles (Georgia Southern) but my Panther blood runs deep (Georgia State)! !
